


"Most current studies place the prevalence of dissociative identity disorder (DID) between 0.1% to 2%, though a few give estimations as high as 3-5%. The DSM-5-TR gives the 12-month prevalence of DID in a small community of American adults as 1.5%, and lifetime prevalence in a representative sample of Turkish women as 1.1% (American Psychiatric Association, 2022). As reviewed by Kate et al. (2019), other general population estimates obtained with dissociation-specific screening or diagnostic tools have ranged from 0.8% to 1.5%, with an additional 0.2% to 8.3% for other specified dissociative disorder (OSDD), which may or may not present as similar to DID. Dissociative disorders as a whole ranged from 3.0% to 18.3%."

"True prevalence is unknown; however, dissociative identity disorder has been shown to be more common than previously thought. Abuse may be the hidden feature in patients who are the most difficult to diagnose and treat. In 1984, by studying psychiatric inpatient charts, Carmen et al and Mills et al proposed a relationship between history of abuse and certain indicators of the severity of psychiatric symptoms." source
  1. Carmen EH, Rieker PP, Mills T. Victims of violence and psychiatric illness. Am J Psychiatry. Mar 1984;141(3):378-83. [Medline].
  2. Mills T, Reiker P, Carmen E. Hospitalization experiences of victims of abuse. Victimology. 1984;9:436-59.
Statistics regarding [DID]disorder indicate that the incidence of DID is about 3% of patients in psychiatric "hospitals and is described as occurring in females nine times more often than in males. However, this female preponderance may be due to difficulty identifying the disorder in males. Also, disagreement among mental-health professionals about how this illness appears clinically, and if DID even exists, adds to the difficulty of estimating how often it occurs." source

CountryPrevalence in mentally ill populationsSource study
India0.015%Chiku et al. (1989)[58]
Switzerland0.05-0.1%Modestin (1992)[59]
China0.4%Xiao et al. (2006)[41]
Germany0.9%Gast et al. (2001)[60]
Netherlands2%Friedl & Draijer (2000)[61]
United States10%Bliss & Jeppsen (1985)[62]
United States6-8%Ross et al. (1992)[63]
United States6-10%Foote et al. (2006)[52]
Turkey14%Sar et al. (2007)[64]

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