

Diagnosis Tools

This packet contains information on:

Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES–II): Carlson & Putnam. 28-items 
Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation (MID): Paul Dell. 218-items 
Multi-scale Dissociation Inventory (MDI): John Briere. 30-items 
Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule: Colin Ross. 132-items 

*The Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation, the Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule, or the Structured Clinical Interview for Dissociative Disorders, the last of which is considered the "gold-star" for diagnosis.

"The most commonly used screening tool for dissociation is the Dissociative Experiences Scale. It is most useful for DID and misses many cases of dissociative amnesia, depersonalization/derealization, and more subtle identity intrusions such as those found in other specified dissociative disorder subtype 1 (OSSD-1); however, it can nonetheless be helpful for recognizing that dissociation may be present."

 DIS-Q (google.com) for registered clients

"The most commonly used screening tool for dissociation is the Dissociative Experiences Scale. It is most useful for DID and misses many cases of dissociative amnesia, depersonalization/derealization, and more subtle identity intrusions such as those found in other specified dissociative disorder subtype 1 (OSSD-1); however, it can nonetheless be helpful for recognizing that dissociation may be present.

 Another screening tool which is often used in research contexts, the Multiscale Dissociation Inventory, is more sensitive to detachment-related experiences but is still ultimately focused on DID.


Other instruments that will not be discussed here include the following: the Child/Adolescent and the Child Dissociative Checklists (screening tools for children and adolescents); the Clinician Administered Dissociative States Scale (used to measure dissociative states at discrete points in time); and the Questionnaire of Experiences of Dissociation (QED), Dissociation Questionnaire (DIS-Q), Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire (SDQ-20), and the Adolescent Dissociative Experiences Scale (ADES) (all of which are self-report measures of dissociation). Screening tools for trauma and posttraumatic stress may also be helpful. Examples include the Life Events Checklist for DSM-5 (LEC-5), PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5), and UCLA Child/Adolescent PTSD Reaction Index for DSM-5."


  • Dissociative Experiences Scale - a 28-item self-report instrument whose items primarily tap the absorption of outside information, use of imagination depersonalization, derealization, and amnesia.
  • Dissociation Questionnaire - 63 questions that measure identity confusion and fragmentation, loss of control, amnesia, and absorption.
  • Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) - 36-question subjective questions around challenges in goal-directed work, impulsivity, emotional responses to situations, ability to self-regulate emotions, etc.

The Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule (DDIS) 
The Dissociative Experiences scale (DESii)
Dissociation Questionnaire DIS-Q
Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire (SDQ-20 and SDQ-5)
Structured Clinical Interview for Dissociation Disorders
The Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation (MID)


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