

First Person Plural

 Melanie Goodwin: A woman learns to live with dissociative identity disorder (medicalxpress.com)

(30) Melanie Goodwin | LinkedIn

Dissociative Identity Disorder Information - First Person Plural

"Founded in 1997 First Person Plural is one of the longest established UK organisations working specifically for and on behalf of people affected by complex dissociative identity disorders, i.e. Dissociative Identity Disorder – also known as Multiple Personality Disorder (DID/MPD), and DID-like Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified – now renamed Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (DDNOS/OSDD). It is the only UK membership charity specialising in this field. In 2014 it became a charitable incorporated organisation."

This website https://www.firstpersonplural.org.uk/ will remain online as a legacy site for at least three years from 1st August 2023.  It contains much information and resources. Please take the time to browse.

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