

Busy Inside


Busy Inside is a documentary film directed by Olga Lvoff that explores the lives of individuals living with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and their journey of healing and self-discovery. The documentary premiered in 2019 and has been praised for its sensitive and insightful portrayal of DID, offering an in-depth look at the condition, its origins in trauma, and the therapeutic process.

Key Aspects of Busy Inside:

  1. Focus on Trauma and Healing:

    • The documentary highlights the connection between DID and early, severe trauma, emphasizing how the condition develops as a survival mechanism for coping with overwhelming experiences.
    • It showcases the resilience of individuals with DID and their efforts to heal through therapy and self-understanding.
  2. Main Subjects:

    • Busy Inside follows two main individuals:
      • Karen Marshall, a therapist who specializes in trauma and dissociative disorders and has lived experience with DID.
      • Marina, one of Karen’s clients, who is also navigating life with DID.
    • Their stories offer a dual perspective on DID—from the therapist’s role in guiding healing and from a client’s lived experience of dissociation and trauma recovery.
  3. Therapeutic Journey:

    • The film provides an intimate look at the therapeutic process, including Karen's use of trauma-informed care to help her clients build trust and foster communication among their alters.
    • It emphasizes the importance of empathy, understanding, and patience in addressing the complexities of DID.
  4. Debunking Myths:

    • Busy Inside works to dismantle stereotypes and sensationalized portrayals of DID often found in media. It presents the condition as a legitimate and natural response to trauma rather than a source of fear or spectacle.
  5. Themes of Strength and Humanity:

    • The documentary focuses on the humanity of individuals with DID, portraying them not just as survivors but as resilient people with hopes, dreams, and the capacity for connection.
    • It showcases the strength required to confront and process trauma, as well as the importance of support and community in healing.
  6. Educational and Emotional Impact:

    • Busy Inside is both educational and deeply moving, offering viewers a nuanced understanding of DID while fostering compassion for those living with the condition.
    • It encourages audiences to think critically about mental health, trauma, and the stigma surrounding dissociative disorders.
  7. Reception:

    • The documentary has been well-received for its respectful and authentic depiction of DID. It has been shown at various film festivals and used in educational contexts to promote awareness about dissociation and trauma.


Busy Inside is an important addition to the growing body of media that seeks to portray DID accurately and empathetically. By focusing on personal stories and the therapeutic process, the film helps demystify the condition and promotes greater understanding and acceptance of individuals with DID.

If you’re interested in watching the documentary or learning more, it’s available on various streaming platforms and is often used in discussions about trauma-informed mental health care.

A respected therapist specializing in the treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), and her patients, confront past trauma and embrace their different personalities. For more: https://bit.ly/ARF_BusyInside

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