

Power to the Plurals

"This 'Power to the Plurals' video is brought to you by 'The Plural Association' Nonprofit, which has the mission to empower plurals worldwide. For more information, please visit our website www.thepluralassociation.org In this video Sarah Clark shares about our growth surrounding Plural Pride. This video is based on a collective piece of writing our system wrote. We felt this was the most authentic way to share this content. Thank you for watching! We are a trauma based dissociative identity disorder plural system. We got diagnosed in 2012 and since then have been reading everything we could get our hands on. In 2017 we decided to dedicate time and our resources in providing accurate up to date information on DID and OSDD. And to share our personal story living with this condition. By now we have over a 100 videos, many of which are educational. We are in no way professionals or doctors. Nor can or should our videos replace your doctor's advice or medication. We are only experts by experience, from living with this disorder on a daily basis. "

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